Tips on how to object

Important! Draft your comments first as the website 'times out' after 20 minutes.
When making your objections online, be sure to draft them in Word or similar and then copy and paste into the relevant box on the website.  If you write your objections as you go, the website ‘times out’ after 20 minutes, so if you’re taking a while to type your comments, they won’t be saved and you’ll have to start all over again.  Thanks EHDC, very useful.

Comment as INDIVIDUAL ADULTS in separate submissions
Make your comments as each individual adult member of your household. If filing your objections online, ensure you don’t select Mr & Mrs, fill in your own individual comments in a separate filing.

Use your own words
Planning objections will not carry the same weight if they obviously use the same wording, for example the use of another person’s objections as a template or the use of a standardised letter.

Explain your reasons. You should say WHY you object
Always state your reasons. Do not simply say ‘I object’  as this carries no weight.. Say why you object.

Keep it factual and relevant
Use practical, factual and relevant objections.

Object in numbers
Planning objections will have the greatest impact if a large number of people write to object.  Please encourage local friends, family and associates to file their comments / objections.

Valid subjects and considerations for your objections

Impact / strain on local resources – Schools, Doctors, Dentists, Sewers, Water Supply and Treatment, Parking, Overdevelopment 

Loss of countryside / Loss of farmland

Access / Traffic generation / Adverse effects on highway safety   How the developer planning to join their site to existing roads? How much aditional traffic will this generate? Are there safety concerns?

Any conflict with Planning Policy
For example, exclusions cited in the Buntingford Neighbourhood Plan or District Plan expressly excluding development on this land. Use the 'Useful Links' section to view some of the relevant policy.

Impact on public visual amenity

Effect of the development on the character of the neighbourhood or town

Scale of development / overbearing nature of development / Inappropriate layout and density of buildings

Loss of ecological habitats / wildlife

Noise and disturbance
Once development is completed (building works are not considered)

Having multiple entry and exit points for estate (crime implications) 

What to avoid

Libellous, racist, offensive, emotional or personal submissions. 

Objections citing adverse impact on property values.

Do not organise a petition, it carries no weight and would be a waste of time.


Help save Buntingford from overdevelopment

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